Thursday, September 20, 2012

Creative Drawing and Thinking | Advanced Exercise 1

We hope by now you have understood the basics for NID Entrance Test. Now moving on, it’s time for advanced learning. Remember the first basic exercise where we asked you to spend time for thinking? Now it’s the turn to get your thinking on paper. This exercise consists of:

·        Basics of Creative Drawing
·        Artistic Thinking and Inspiration
·        Scale and Proportion
·        Conventional and Unconventional uses
·        Graphical Expression of Words
·        Gestures and Articulation
·        Poster and Banner Design
·        Stamp Design and Logo Design
·        Identifying Problems and Problem Solving
·        Comic Strip and Story Writing Skills

Posterous Blog (For Online View):

Creative Thinking and Drawing.pdf   Download this file

How to use this exercise?

The exercise is self-explanatory. But still here are some tips on how to do it.

Ø Always use 2B, 4B, 6B or 8B pencils while doodling. Keep them sharp.

Ø Read the questions completely and re-read them to confirm up with what is asked.

Ø Make sure that your answers are UNCONVENTIONAL. Cheat Tip: Skip the first two ideas that come in your mind. They are the most common ideas.

Ø Prepare a word map: If you are drawing, say a Taj Mahal inspired watch, list out what all features you want in your watch and note it down. So when you start drawing, it becomes easier as you don’t have to spend time recollecting the ideas all over again.

Ø This exercise book has no time limit. But make sure that you complete each module in a single stretch.

Ø Make minimal use of color. Use it only where it is specified or where you find it necessary to add details.

Ø You are an amateur.  So don’t start expecting too much. You will gradually turn better. Have a steady practice and use your time wisely.

Download the Exercise Document (PDF) by clicking on the download icon. Print the document and start scribbling right away.

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