Monday, October 29, 2012

Memory Drawing | Advanced Exercise 5

Just about the single most important aspect of drawing is the art and craft of seeing. If you have been doing art for a little while now you probably have noticed that the longer you look at something the more you see. It is something that takes time and discipline but it will greatly enhance your ability to draw and paint.

You have to take a really good look at things if you want to draw them well. It is a fact. So for this lesson we are going to practice something you probably don't practice much: Drawing from memory.

In drawing from memory this is what you do: You take a really good look at something then you look away and try to draw it. Simple as that. But take a really good look at the thing you want to draw, spend several minutes trying to get a sense of how it is shaped, what colors are in it and how the light falls on it. Then take out your sketch pad and try drawing it. Don't look back at the object until you are done with the drawing.

Here is an excellent tutorial for boosting your memory drawing and will help you in Entrance Exam as well. All the Best.

Posterous Blog (For Online View): 

Target NID Advanced Exercise 5.pdf  Download this file