Friday, November 30, 2012

NIDian wins I-Design Award

A product design student from National Institute of Design bagged the award in the 'Medical Equipment and Devices Design' category for 2012-13 with three other recipients in the I-Design Award competition in Chennai. Every year, products that focus on innovation, technology, design and creativity are recognized by the awards.

Malav Sanghvi of NID had participated in the competition with his project 'Walking Aid support stick'. "There is a need for design inputs in the field of amputation and prosthesis. I emphasized on the needs of the persons with disability to use of the hand's muscular power to operate the leg by a strategically designed stick. The aid can be used for physical ailments like weak leg muscles, muscle tear, ligament tear, knee problems, paralysis, short foot and prosthesis training," he said. The stick is strapped on the leg, thigh, below knee, ankle and one of the forearms. The high point of the design is adjustability of straps by which the user transfers maximum force from the hands to the legs. 

The compactness of the device allows for easy packaging and subsequent ease in transportation and storage. The strap can be rotated, thus allowing the stick to be used on both legs, said Sanghvi.

Source: TOI